I've decided to try facebooking instead. That's been a challenge trying to figure that out. But I've managed to post some pictures and maybe that's how I'll communicate with my friends. For now anyway. I can see that taking up a lot of time and I need to control that. Kids need to come first, ya know?
Since my last post, I had another baby (in Nov.). My 3rd boy. Actually, he was born on my 33rd birthday. Not quite what I had planned or hoped for, but it turned out just fine and he's been a very good baby. The only thing I don't like that he does, he has this high pitched squeal/scream thing that really pierces my ears. I gotta say, if he stopped doing that, he'd be the perfect baby, in my eyes. Here's a couple of pictures, then and now.
That's all for now. Find me on facebook. That seems to be easy to do. Maybe I'll get back to blogging again. But for now, facebook is taking plenty of my time and I hope to see you on there. God bless! With Hope...Angie